Rabu, 20 Januari 2010

ART Collage


The presence of secondhand goods such as old magazines, old newspapers, clothing, cardboard, cans, plastic packaging, and dead leaves around our house often perceived cleanliness and comfort disrupt life.

All this is true if the goods are used only seen as a "waste" or useless junk. But do not rush you dispose of goods used because you can turn "waste" into things "precious". The touch of creative ideas are fresh and artistic skills that you have will produce a variety of collage creation are unique and no other.

While still in elementary school you are familiar with the term "collage" through the activity or ornaments to decorate the walls of the jug with seeds or pieces of rag. Decorate the surface of an object by gluing something on the surface is the oldest type of Kria created by humans. According to the experts estimated this activity originated in Venice, Italy at about the 17th century when Venice became the leading city in terms of printing in Europe. Collage art flourished in France, England, Germany and other cities in Europe.

In its growth, creative collage used as a personal aesthetic element in a work of painting. Collage becomes the favorite among artists of the world. Pablo Picasso, George Braque and Max Ernest known for painting works that use collage of paper, cloth and various other objects. This is the creative innovations of these artists within the past 90 years. Henri Mattise is one of the artists who actively creative with collage as her fingers until stricken with arthritis can not paint anymore. Mattise turned to collage, she cut the colored paper in large sizes with different shapes to create a beautiful mural paper (Linderman, EW ,1984:141-142). On this site you will be given practical tips to make a collage of old materials or natural materials that are in the neighborhood. You can use the collage for a variety of needs. Make a collage can be decorated or decorating the procedure very attractive to be applied to greeting cards, paper bags, decorative boxes, book covers, picture frames, wooden trays and so on. In addition, you can also develop a collage as an aesthetic element in art or explore creatively as a work of art.

Description Collage

Collage of words in the English language called 'collage' comes from the word 'coller' in French which means 'glue'. Further understood as a collage of art techniques against various types of materials other than paint, such as paper, cloth, glass, metal etc. and then combined with the use of paint (oil) or other techniques (Susanto, M., 2002:63). Collage of various materials can be bonded to various types of surfaces, such as wood, plastic, paper, glass and so on to be used or intended as a functional object or work of art.

Activities arranged in a collage composition is an important activity and complex. Various elements of different form of character combined in a composition to express artistic ideas or specific meaning (Sunaryo, A., 2002:8-9). The definition of the form elements here are the aspects of the visible, concrete is in fact intertwined and not easily separated from each other. Determines the overall look of realization and meaning aspects of the form itself.


Various types of materials can be used as raw material a collage. In general, a collage of raw materials can be grouped into:

Natural materials (leaves, twigs, dried flowers, shells, rocks, etc.),

processed materials (plastics, synthetic fibers, metal, rubber, etc.) and,

used materials (magazines, bottle caps, bags of candy / chocolate, etc.).

Creative ideas to make a collage can be developed from the use of small materials such as buttons, pins, toothpicks and seeds can be used to produce a collage composition of non-figurative (abstract) and figurative compositions.

Type of supporting material required in making a collage is the surface of an object or objects to be taped collage. In principle, a collage can be used in almost all types of materials / materials (wood, plastic, glass, paper, cloth, metal, etc.) provided that the surface is relatively flat.

Tools and Techniques

Types of equipment and collage techniques that are used need to be tailored to the type of raw materials due to the character of each specific type of material. Types of equipment and techniques used to create a collage made of a different nature to the needs of a collage made from refined or made from the former. In general, the major equipment required are:

cutting tools: such as knives, scissors, saws, pliers, and so on.

adhesive materials: such as adhesive paper, adhesive vinyl, white glue / PVC, plastic glue, needle and sewing thread, and other types of adhesives (adjusted to the type material).

Various types of collage either in the form of two-dimensional and three-dimensional generally made with a variety of techniques such as: torn techniques, techniques scissors, cutting techniques, raft technique, adhesive techniques, sewing techniques, ikat technique and so on. You can use more than one technique to create works of collage, mixed technique can even be explored artistic touch to the works of collage. Various methods / techniques used to create a collage, among others:

Overlapping or close to each other (overlapping)

Structuring space (spatial arrangement)

Repetition / recurrence (repetition)

Composition / combination of various types of textures of various materials.

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